Like many other people and at the age of 11, I read The Little White Horse. This was a Sunday School prize from the Anglo Catholic Church which I attended. I managed to get hold of a copy of The White Witch and Gentian Hill, both equally enchanting to read.
Now, at the age of 71 and having attained a B.A. Hons Degree of European Humanities with Music, in retirement, I am enjoying reading these books once more.
I thought I saw on the web reference to an Elizabeth Goudge Society. If this is so, I would like to receive details.
It seems that there are various societies in existence for older writers – the Charlotte Younge Society for one.
I hope to hear from you
Yours sincerely,
Margareta Bower
There are three main reasons why we are not affiliated to the Literary Societies and they are as follows:-
The first is a question of price. It is expensive to run and maintain a Literary Society link, and although I know that there are hundreds of Elizabeth Goudge fans it would take a dedicated 300/400 hundred paid up members to make sufficient money. It would take time and money to organise and run the membership alone.
The second reason is time. I am currently running the web site on my own with the technical support of my husband, and thoroughly enjoy doing so. But finding the extra time needed would at present be difficult.
Thirdly and most importantly, the Trustees and heirs of Elizabeth’s Estate thought that she would not have wanted the limelight and fuss of a Society. There may well come a time when it is appropriate to ask them to rethink the matter.
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