Where is Giovanni?

A question about the whereabouts of some of Elizabeth’s short stories from Margo Simple

Dear Deborah,

I am writing to ask for your help in finding a book by Elizabeth Goudge which I read several times around 1980-1982. It was a collection of short stories, maybe an anthology? I so much want to find the title so that I can purchase copies for friends for Christmas…

One story I remember tells of a orphan boy-Giovanni, I think- who lived in the shepherd huts in the hill country around Assisi and how he became a friend of Francis and ended up lifting Francis’s spirits when Francis was weighed down by the troubles of dealing w/ Friars who wanted an easier life “and it was Whitsunday!”

Another story in this book tells the wonder of how love/life began in a cave (the “stable” of Bethlehem) and was made new from out of a cave (the tomb from which Jesus rose again).

I have tried to find table of contents for Elizabeth’s books to narrow down which book these stories come from–no success so far. I would so much appreciate your help.

Sincerely Margo

Dear Margo,
Thank you for contacting me, your question really set me thinking………

The only story (except the biography Elizabeth wrote) about St Francis I remember is the Canticle of the Sun but that is a Christmas story, not Whitsunday.

The love/life began in a cave etc sounds like the experience Cousin Mary from A Scent of Water undergoes in church one Christmas when she is having one of her  bad times and a series of visions pertaining to Christ’s birth and death uphold and inspire her, bringing her comfort and healing.

The Reward of Faith contains the Canticle of the Sun and other faith based stories and would be my choice of Christmas Books to give and receive.

I will however continue to investigate as the name Giovanni as it does ring bells. Maybe someone out there has the answer?

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