A Discerning Band

A Discerning Band
Randolph Blakeman

I just discovered your website, and wish I had done so earlier. The Scent of Water is also my favourite of Ms. Goudge’s books, though I also love the Eliot trilogy, The Dean’s Watch, and Child from the Sea. I had always wondered what village might have been the inspiration for Appleshaw, so it was good to hear about Turville I plan to visit your site more often, so keep up the good work.

Many thanks. [Am I the only man to love her books?]
Randolph Blakeman

Dear Randolph,
No, not the only man but one of a select and discerning band! When we held the Goudge Convention day at Henley it was pretty evenly matched, although admittedly, some were attending with their partners.

Glad you found something of interest in the web site

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